Triggerfish blanco is a common name for the gray triggerfish (Balistes capriscus). It is a large, oval-shaped fish with a grayish-brown body and white spots. It has a long, stout dorsal spine that can be locked into place, making it difficult for predators to remove the fish from its hiding place. Despite their aggressive behavior, triggerfish blanco are popular game fish and are often caught by sport fishermen. They are also considered to be a good eating fish, with white, flaky meat that is mild in flavor.
Product: Triggerfish

Common Name: Finescale Triggerfish, Triggerfish Blanco, Cochi
Species: Balistes polylepis
- Fillets
- 45% 3-5 oz
- 45% 5-7 oz
- 10% 7-9 oz
Origin: Gulf of Mexico
Months of Production: July – September
- HGT 80-100 mt
- Fillet 20-25 mt